About Me

4 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi,

    I’ve randomly found your website & I’m very curious as it seems like there 4 years of investments into a single book of the bible?

    You don’t have to answer, but if you have a story, I’d love to hear it,

    1. Hi C, I am glad someone is curious enough to ask about my story. The reason for years spent on Genesis might not be as interesting as you hoped for though. A few years ago, I began reading Genesis for a variety of reasons (which I hope to write about later). I made many interesting observations that I had not noticed when I read the stories growing up because I was reading it with fresh eyes. I decided to start writing about it, and wanted to just spend a few months on Genesis, then move on to other things. Life had different plans though, and I became my young nephew’s guardian. Since then, I have had very little time or energy for this research and writing. Most of my time has gone towards understanding childhood trauma, and raising my nephew. I had a few articles on Genesis written from a few years ago that I never published on the site, so I recently published those and updated the look of my site, hoping I could start to get into it again, but we’ll see.. since it took me almost a week to simply respond to a comment, things aren’t looking good :/

      Thanks for asking though! I’d also be interested if YOU have a story, which lead you to ask about MY story. Please do share! I will most definitely read it, even if it takes me awhile to respond.

  2. Hi, my name is Savannah. I just came across this site and had some thoughts, but wanted to make sure someone will see them. Are you using and checking this site?

    1. I have not had time to write in a long while, but I still do see all comments, yes. I’m very interested in your thoughts if you have some to share.

      BTW, I’m the site author, but I’m not logged in at the moment (I’m on my work computer, my other computer has my login), so this comment won’t have the little admin icon, but it is me.

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